How do Interactive Teller Machines (ITMs) impact job growth at the Credit Union? Are tellers losing their jobs?

ITM technology is positively impacting job growth at the Credit Union. Thanks to this new technology, we are able to open more branches at a faster pace, which means we'll be hiring more interactive tellers to best serve our members. In addition to needing more Interactive Tellers with each branch opening, we will also continue to staff our ITM branches with a team of member service representatives, so we hire additional employees beyond the tellers for each branch.
The bottom line is that we're creating more jobs and our in-person tellers are not losing their jobs. In fact, many of our current Interactive Tellers have previously worked as in-person tellers and opted to switch positions so they can participate with this exciting, new service offering. Our employees enjoy interacting with members in this progressive way. We invite you to stop in and ask them yourselves at your next ITM transaction!

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